Add a New Participant

Add a new Participant into Planability, complete their profile and select their Opt-in Settings.

Add a New Participant

Watch an overview of how to manually add a New Participant:

or follow the step by step process below:

  • From the left menu, navigate to Participants > Add Participant 
  • Enter their Last Name; NDIS No., and Date of Birth

  • Click Find

TIPS: The Last Name, NDIS No., and Date of Birth must match EXACTLY with the NDIS records. If the details are not a direct match you will not be able to proceed and will see a 'The participant info was not found in NDIS' error message.

  • Continue to complete the Participant Details

Add a PACE Participant

Follow the steps above to add a PACE Participant. If the software is unable to find the Participant when their details have been submitted, check the My NDIS Provider Portal.

You must have a Plan Manager and Provider role established for this Participant before you will be able to provide Plan Management services including adding them to Planability.

Online Participant Registration

An alternative to entering the Participant contact details manually is to have them complete an Online Registration form. This is available on request.

Complete Participant Details

  • Enter their full profile details. Mandatory fields are marked with an * asterisk.

  • Auto Invoicing will be the only Opt-In Setting ON by default. This setting permits the automatic generation of Set Up Fees and Monthly Fees.

    Email Notifications, Claim Approver, Receive Plan Report and Grant Portal Access all require an email address. They will be OFF by default which means that an Email address for the Participant is not required unless any of these options are selected.

  • Grant Portal Access: An email address is required for participants to be granted access to Planability. 

A welcome email is not automatically generated when a Participant is given access to Planability or when their profile is first created and 'Portal Access' is selected. It needs to be manually generated.

The Welcome email is generated from the context menu at the top right of the Participant details page.  

  • Preferred Communication Method: Selection of a Preferred Communication method will make the corresponding field mandatory. eg., if you select Mobile, the Mobile Number field will be marked as mandatory.
  • The Suburb entered will determine their Service Region  - non-remote, remote or very remote which reflects in any price catalogue entries. If you can't find the suburb from the list, try entering the postcode in the suburb field.
  • If the Surburb and Price Zone do not match the Price Zone in the Plan (eg. they may live on the border of a remote area, but have very remote funding), you can Override the Price Zone by selecting from the Overridden Price Zone options.
  • Select the appropriate Opt-in settings

Opt-in Setting Yes No
Email Notification Can receive emails from Planability. Must be enabled for Claim Approver, Receive Plan Report, Grant Portal Access. Will not be sent emails from Planability
Claim Approver The Participant can approve their own claims. Their name will be available from a drop-down list of approvers when creating a claim The Participant will not be approving their own claims.

All Claims Require Approval

ALL claims will require an approver to be selected, and will be sent for approval prior to submitting to NDIS.  Not all invoices require approval. Approval can be sought on an ad-hoc basis.
Auto Invoicing

Automated claiming of Monthly Plan Management Fees through Claims > Monthly Claims


automatic claiming of Set-Up Costs

Not automated.
Receive Plan Report The monthly Plan Report (Statement) will be emailed to the Participant's email address. 
Will also receive Low Budget Warnings if enabled for Agency
No Plan Report (Statement) to be sent by email to the Participant.
Send Plan Report by Post Identifies if the Participant requires a hard copy of the Plan Report (Statement) to be sent by post. (Receive Plan Report is not required to be selected) Hard copy of the Plan Report (Statement) is not required to be sent by post.
Grant Portal Access A Participant User profile will be enabled, creating a Username and password. Participants can login to Planability to view their NDIS Budget and claims. No Planability access given.
  • Enter up to two bank account details (Optional) for Participant reimbursements. 

  • Click Save
NOTE: The 'Welcome email' to Participants is NOT automatically sent at the time of adding a new participant.
This gives you control over when the email is sent, and is activated by 'Send Welcome Email' from the menu at the top right of their Participant details page.

Next Article: Participant Details Page