Archive a Plan Manager

Archive a Plan Manager user to remove access to Planability. Archived Users can be un-archived to resinstate their access.

Archive a Plan Manager

To remove access to Planability for a Plan Manager you should Archive the User profile. You will first need to remove any Associated Participants from their profile.

Steps to Archive:

1. Select Plan Managers or Agency Users in the menu.

2. Use the Filter to find them by Role, Name or email address.

3. Click on their Name to access their User Details page.

4. Scroll down to Associated Participants (1)  and click on 'Assign Participants' (2). Use the checkbox selector (3) to deselect all associated Participants. Click Assign(4). This will remove any association with participants. 

5. Return to the Agency Users page. Click on the elipses button to the right of their details.

6. Select Archive

All Archived Users (Plan Managers and Participants) can be viewed from the menu. Click on the elipses button to Restore if required.