Archive Participant

Archive a Participant to remove them from your Active Participant Listing. You should do this when you are no longer managing this Participant's Plan.

If you are no longer providing Plan Management Services for a Participant you should archive them in Planability. 

NOTE: Archiving a Participant does not automatically end or reduce Service Bookings. You need to action this first.

Steps to Archive a Participant:

  • Update the Offboarding date by editing the Participant details. The offboading date can be viewed from the Archived Participant listing.
  • When a participant is archived, the connection with Carers and Support Coordinators is removed.

    We recommend keeping a record of these linked contacts by adding a note before archiving.

    A warning message will pop up when choosing to archive a participant, notifying the user that the associated data will be lost.

  • Archived them from the Participant Details Page: Select Archive from the Menu located on the top right of the screen.

or /

  • from the Active Participant Listing, select Archive from the ellipses buttons to the right:

Both methods of Archiving will remove them from your Active Participant Listing. The Participant and their Associated Contacts will no longer receive any notifications from Planability - such as Statements / low budget warning etc.

The Participant record still exists but they do not display as an active participant.

View Archived Participants from

View all archived Participants from Participants > Archived Participants

Un-Archive a Participant

If required, you can un-archive a Participant to reinstate them as an Active Participant. Make sure you have adjusted Service Bookings and Opt-in Settings accordingly.


Read Edit Service Bookings for more detail.