Batch Claims

Claims for services provided more than 90 days after a Plan or Service Booking has ended must be submitted by Batch Claims Claims can be submitted in bulk to the NDIS using Batch Claims

Submit claims that are beyond 90 days after a plan has ended by using the Batch Claims feature in Planability.

Some agencies who also use a review process prior to submitting all claims may find this feature useful. However, Agencies should note that direct visibility of any real time issues is lost when using this process. To counter this, any claim with a claim line either rejected or with an exception raised will go into Claims With Issues listing as it will need to be reviewed.

Plan Managers without elevated claim permissions can indicate that a claim is finalised and ready to claim via a batch submission, but they are restricted from selecting batch ready claims and submitting. 

Mark / Unmark for Batch Claim

If a claim is to be submitted to NDIS in a batch (required for claims past 90 days), it needs to be flagged within Planability as claimable via Batch Claims.

Both Plan Manager and Director users can select Mark for Batch from the Claim Details page. This lists the claim in Batch Claims from where it can be submitted. 

Note: Claims that are Held for Review cannot be Marked ready for Batch claim. They will have to be Marked as Reviewed which then enables them for submission.

Claims that are Marked ready for Batch Claim can still be submitted individually using the Submit Claim button which is still visible from the Claim Details page. 

Once Marked for Batch, the Claim can be made unavailable for Batch Claims by selecting Unmark for Batch Claim. It will not appear in the Batch Claims listing.

Submit Batch Claim

Directors (and Plan Managers with elevated Claim permissions) can submit batch claims to NDIS.

Claims that are listed in Batch Claims are submittable by Batch.

A Batch is currently limited to 300 claims.

From Claims > Batch Claims, select the claims to be included in the batch. Use the filter or search options to refine your listing if required.

Click Next to continue

You can remove claims from the batch by clicking on the icon to the left of the Invoice number.

Submit the Batch to NDIS by clicking Submit, you will see a confirmation that the batch has been submitted:

The Claim timeline will show the time the claim was submitted in Batch and the time the claim was Processed.