Budget Forecast

The Budget Forecast feature is available to Directors, Plan Managers and Support Coordinators

Accessible from a Participant's Plan view, the Budget Forecast can be selected from the left menu:

The columns show:

Total Plan Budget | Average Daily Budget | Spend Per Day | Spend to Date | Balance at Plan End | Forecast Consumption

Column With Consent to view Budget Without Consent to view Budget

Total Plan Budget


Total Plan Budget is taken from the approved plan managed budget amount received from NDIS.

This may include External Budget if the Plan has previously been managed by another agency.

Total Plan Budget is taken from the Service Bookings available to the plan management agency and may not represent the entire available budget.

Average Daily Budget


This will show the amount if the budget was spent in equal amounts daily, throughout the plan duration. 

Calculated from the Total Plan Budget ÷ Plan Duration (days).

Spend Per Day


This will show the actual amount being spent averaged on a daily basis, based on the current spend rate.

Calculated from the Spend to Date ÷ Time Passed (days).

Spend to Date


The amount that has been claimed and marked as 'Pending Payment' or 'Paid from NDIS'. This will not include entered, rejected or cancelled claims.

Balance at Plan End


This shows how much will be available (or overspent) at the end of the plan.

Calculated from the Spend Per Day x Plan Duration (days).

Forecast Consumption


The Date when the Total Budget is calculated to be consumed based on the current Spend Per Day.

Please note:

The Balance at Plan End and the Forecast Consumption date may show an overspend and early Consumption date if there is a high-value spend early in the Plan. This is likely to affect Capital Supports.

Download Reports

The report can be downloaded in PDF or CSV format:


Further Reading: Budget vs Actual in more detail