How do we claim when an invoice spans two Plans or two PACE periods?

If a claim falls across 2 plans, you will need to enter it twice, once for each Plan adding the corresponding services for the plan dates. For PACE Plans, claim lines for different funding periods can be entered under one claim

Non PACE - Legacy Plans

When a claim falls across 2 plans, you will need to split the claim, entering it twice, once for each Plan entering the corresponding services for the plan dates.

When creating a claiim from the main dashboard, select the Participant and the select the appropriate Plan from the Plan field. 

PACE Plans - two budget periods

If the claim is across two PACE periods, you can enter the services under one claim, but you will need to split out the claim lines. One claim line for one funding period, another claim line for the other funding period. The claim lines will draw from different buckets of funding so they need to be entered separately.

Bulk Import 

One claim will be created from an invoice scanned through Bulk Import. The Plan will be selected based on the first service dates on the invoice. You will then need to create the claim manually for the 2nd claim / Plan.


Read: Create a Claim on Historical Budget - PACE Plans