Create Service Bookings

Plan Managers can create two types of service bookings depending on the Participant's plan. Participant plans will have funding approved at either a category level or an item level. Some will have funding at both levels.

Note: The NDIS recommends that service bookings be created at the category level if possible. This allows participants to negotiate or access supports on a more flexible basis. This is preferable to having to create another service booking for that item at a later date or having funds locked into a support line item that does not relate to the appropriate support.

Stated Items: Item level funding

If a participant has a stated item in their plan, the stated support item must be selected to create a Service Booking.

Category level funding

If a participant has funding approved at a category level, create a service booking at category level. Plan Managers should create service bookings for the duration of the plan.

Note: If there is a Stated Item Service Booking and a category level Service Booking for the same category, you will need to select the correct Service Booking when entering a claim line.

To create a new Service Booking you will first need to select the Participant and their Plan.

    You will now be working at the Participant Plan level. The Participant and their Plan details will display at the top left of the menu.

    • Select Service Bookings from the Dashboard or Create Booking from the menu.

    Creating Service Bookings - with Budget Consent 

    When creating a Service Booking for Plans on which you have Consent to View, the Approved Budget and any existing Service Booking Allocated Budget will display below:

    For new Plans, it is not possible to display the Approved Budget until you have created an initial Plan Managed Service Booking. 

    • Select the Service Booking type: Plan Managed or Standard booking
    • The Start and End dates will default to the Plan Start and End Dates. 
    • Click Add Line Item
    • Select the Support Category
    • For Stated Items click in the Item No. field to display options. This field is not mandatory.
    • Enter the Unit Price and quantity.

    Continue adding Line Items as required.

    Whilst still creating the Service Booking you can edit or delete a line item by clicking on the ellipses buttons to the right:

    Select Submit to continue

    The budget will have been updated and synced with PRODA. You can view this via the NDIS Budget link in the menu, or NDIS Budget Summary on the Participant Dashboard.

    The Service Booking Details page will display the added services. You can edit, add notes or documents from this view.

    Notes & Documents

    Notes and documents added on the Service Booking Details page can be categorised and/or pinned. Pinned notes will also display on the Person Details page and when creating a claim. All notes can be viewed via the main menu and can be filtered by category, term and participant.

    The budget will have been updated and synced with PRODA. You can view this via the NDIS Budget link in the menu, or NDIS Budget Summary on the Participant Dashboard.

    For more information on Service Bookings go to

    Edit a Service Booking