Create Claims: Bulk Scanning

With our Bulk Scanning solution you can effortlessly upload and scan invoices in bulk, significantly reducing administration time

Claims > Bulk Import

Planability offers a convenient bulk import tool that is both speedy and accurate, allowing you to easily drag and drop multiple invoices for simultaneous processing.

With the Bulk Import tool, you can scan up to 50 invoices at once, regardless of the providers or participants they belong to. This tool automatically recognises both the provider and participant based on the ABN and the NDIS number on the invoice, minimising the chance of input errors. 

The scanning tool can identify non face-to-face, cancellations and provider travel services, automatically adjusts rounding errors, and will even convert minutes to decimals!

Bulk scanning is accessible to all users. If you typically use scanning to generate individual claims, don't hesitate to explore this feature. It leverages the same scanning tool, but requires less manual input from you to create a claim.

Watch this video for an overview of this feature:


Import Invoices

1. From the main dashboard, select Claims > Bulk Import

2. You can either click on the File Import field or drag and drop invoices from your email inbox. Support file types are: pdf, jpg, jpeg, png

3. Click to Confirm. This will upload the selected files to Planability to start the scanning process.

4. Review the scanned data by clicking to view the lines.

5. Select the checkbox to confirm you wish to create a claim from this scanned data, or to mark the invoice to be deleted out of Planability - not to create a claim, click the X.

You can also select invoices to be processed from the Bulk Import dashboard.

No claim is created at this stage. You cannot edit any of the data extracted. 

6. If the Provider field is blank, check your provider listing and create a new Provider if required.

7. If the Participant field is blank select the Participant by entering their name. 

Note: the Participant is found by the NDIS number on the invoice and will not be found by name only

8. After selecting scans to be processed, click the Process button. This will move these invoices to your Claims > Claims for Review. 

If you wish to assign claims in bulk to a User (Plan Manager or Director), you can do this prior to clicking to process. 

9. Navigate to Claims > Claims for Review to review each claim prior to submitting.

Bulk Import - auto process invoices to Claims for Review

A new feature has been added to Provider profiles that enables claims to automatically process from the Bulk Import dashboard. This eliminates the need to manually select claims for processing, as they will now seamlessly move to the Claims for review section.

This enhancement reduces processing time for agencies using bulk upload and mailbox ingestion methods.


Next Article: Create Claims: Mailbox Ingestion