Import Claims - csv import

We can now import a .csv file of claim lines to create claims in bulk. Currently only available on request

1. Navigate to Claims > Import Claims

2. If you haven't previously downloaded the csv template, download the file: Download CSV Format

Example of csv with claim lines

There can be up to 5000 records uploaded using a bulk file

For .CSV bulk upload file, the Header Record is mandatory and should be the first row in the .CSV file. 

Warning: If in case, you are creating a .CSV file for the bulk upload using the Microsoft Office Excel, then special care should be taken while entering DATE and HOURS fields, as that tool does not support the specified formats required for the date and Hours fields and changes the data entered. 

CSV columns explained

Column Header Description
RegistrationNumber NDIS org ID of agency
NDISNumber Participant's NDIS number


SupportsDelivered to

dd/mm/yyyy (try hyphen) and 
SupportNumber Item Code

Invoice Number or reference

Forward Slash ( / )
• Underscore ( _ )
• Hyphen ( - )
• Alphanumeric


Up to 5 Numeric Acceptable:


UnitPrice Up to 8 Numeric and 2 decimal
digits NNNNNNN.NN 
GSTCode GST information as applicable to the item or service.
P1: Tax Claimable (10%)
P2: GST Free
P5: GST out of Scope 




not required - legacy
ClaimType Claim type of the service provided
“”: (blank):  Direct Service
CANC: Cancellation Charges
REPW: Report Writing Charges
TRAN: Travel Charges
NF2F: Non-Face to Face Services 


(conditional - only application to Cancellation Claim Type)

Reason of the cancellation type
NSDH: No show due to health reason.
NSDF: No show due to family issues.
NSDT: No show due to unavailability of transport.
NSDO: Other. 
ABN Of Support Provider if it is a reimbursement, the ABN is not required. if not required for ato exemption - tis EXCLS (we are not permitting it in the claims process)
SupportProviderName same abn and different support provider names. if claim ref number is the same and the abn is the same, we will use the same support provider (needs confirmation)
InvoiceDate optional but will come from latest support item date


should match each claim line for invoice. can upload in a zip file. can do as part of flow of batch or upload later or to individual claim

