Extend a Service Booking by editing the end date in Planability. Any updates made to Service Bookings in Planability will update the Service Booking in PRODA immediately.
If a Plan is extended and the Service Booking end date matched the original Plan end date, the Service Booking will extend automatically with the Plan.
If the Plan and Service Booking end date did not match, you will need to extend the end date manually. You will receive a notification from Planability when a Plan is extended. You should check the Service Bookings at this time and extend if required. You will need to edit the Service Bookings to allocate the additional funding for the new period.
Extend Service Booking End Dates
You can extend the end date of a Service Booking from the context menu in the top right corner of a service booking page
or from the ellipses buttons in the list of service bookings.
When extending the date, it simply needs to be on or before the plan end date.
For more information from the NDIS on this read: https://www.ndis.gov.au/providers/working-provider/connecting-participants/managing-service-bookings#ending-a-service-booking
How are Plan Extensions handled in Planability?
Next Article: Edit a Service Booking