Participant login: Forgot Password or User Name

I am an NDIS Participant with access to Planability but I can't remember my Password or User Name. How can I login?

Use the Forgot Password or Forgot User Name links on your account Sign-In page.

TIP: If you can't remember both Username and Password, please click on Forgot Username first and enter your email address. You will be sent an email with your login details.

Forgot Password? - Enter your Username to reset your Password. Your Username is commonly in the format of firstname.lastname

Forgot User Name? - Enter the email associated with your login to Planability.

Still can't login?

If you have attempted to reset your password or retrieve your User Name using the links shown above and you still cannot login please contact your Plan Manager or Plan Management Agency.

  • They will be able to send you a new welcome email which will display your User Name and new Password
  • They can reset your Password for you manually.