Create a Claim on Historical Budget - PACE Plans

After a review, a PACE plan has a new funding period with a new funding allocation. The previous period (original start date up to the new start date) is the historical period. PACE plans can have multiple historical periods.

In Planability, when you select the PACE plan to view, the current budget is shown by default. 
When a PACE Plan is reassesed, the NDIS update the budget information sent to Planability with the new funding allocation. The previous funding (now the historical budget) can be selected to view from the pull down menu on the NDIS Plan page.
In the example below, Lou's Plan has had a review so a new period of funding began on 14/12/2023. The PACE plan originally started on the 19/10/2023 and this is recorded in Planability:
If you need to claim for services or supports provided in the historical period (in this case 19/10/2023 - 13/12/2023) you can do that in Planability. Create the claim as usual under the PACE Plan. Any portion of the claim that falls into the historical period will claim from that historical budget and will be recorded in the values shown on the historical budget page. 

Create a Claim for Supports or Services provided during the historical period of a PACE Plan

Claims can be created by all methods of input, any claim lines with support dates in the historical period will claim from that budget.
If creating the claim manually, once you have entered the support date range and the support code, and the claim line is determined to fall into the historical period, the appropriate budget will display on the claim line information.  

Create the claim line as usual.

Note: When creating a claim from the main dashboard, Planability will automatically display the current Plan, which in this case is the PACE plan. Although the current budget period dates will appear in the Plan menu, you can disregard this information. As long as the PACE plan is selected, any claim lines you enter will correctly reference the appropriate budget period, whether it is current or historical, as needed.

What if supports / Services were provided in both the historical and current periods?

If supports are provided over a date range that crosses over both the historical and current periods, you will need to split the claim line - one line for the historical budget and one for the current. They draw from different buckets of funding so cannot be merged under one line item.