How do I view my Monthly Plan Report (Statement)?

Statements are generated on the 1st of each month and are stored under Statements in the menu. Your Agency may also send you an email with an overview of your Statement and a link to view it in full.

View your generated Monthly Plan Report (Statements) in Planability

View your Statements by clicking on Statements in the menu (1)

The most recent statement will be at the top of the listing. Click on the Statement ID to view the report in full. (2)

You can sort by column - just click on the column header, or use Search to find a statement for a particular Month

Sample Statement:

Below is an example of a Monthly Plan Report (Statement).

The Statement Period is shown to the right, along with your Plan Start and End Dates and the date the Statement was generated.

Budget Summary

The Budget Summary is correct as at the Statement Date

Monthly Spend

Monthly Spend shows the distribution of spending across Providers, and includes claims submitted to NDIS with Support Dates that fall within the Statement Period.

Please note, there may be claims that are not yet processed for that period so they will not be included in the Statement.

You can view up-to-date budget and spend by clicking on NDIS Budget.


Next Article: View my Claims