Monthly Claims - Plan Management Fees

Monthly Plan Management fees are automatically claimed on the 1st of each month. The Participant must have available budget and 'Auto Invoicing' enabled on the Participant profile.

Monthly Fee Automation

Auto Monthly Fees - Agency setting to claim for current month or prior month

We are now able to offer agencies the option to choose whether the automated claims for monthly fees which are processed on the 1st day of the month are for the current month or for the prior month.

  • 1st day of the month - claim for the current month. Eg 01 March 2024, claim is for March 2024
  • 1st day of the month - claim for the prior month. Eg 01 March 2024, claim is for February 2024

NOTE: There must be:

  • a Service Booking with available budget in place; or for PACE Participants - budget available; AND
  • 'Auto Invoicing' enabled on the Participant profile.

For Plan Management fee claims made on the 1st day for the current month, the service dates will be for ONE day only. They will show as:

Support Start Date: 1st/mm/yyyy

Support End Date: 1st/mm/yyyy

For Plan Management fee claims made on the 1st day for the prior month, the service dates will be for the full month:

Support Start Date: 1st/mm/yyyy

Support End Date: last/mm/yyyy

Participants to be invoiced

Agency setting is for auto claims on 1st/mm/yyyy - Current Month

If the agency setting is configured to automatically generate claims on the 1st of each month for the current month, it is important to note that when you add a new Participant during that month, you will need to manually generate a claim for their first month. This is because the auto generation of claims does not include participants who were added after the process has already taken place.

These participants will be listed under Participants to be invoiced. To generate a claim for their monthly fees, select the participants via the checkbox to the left of their name and Generate Monthly Invoices.

You can manually generate claims for participants at any time during the month using this process. 

Agency setting is for auto claims on 1st/mm/yyyy - Prior Month 

If the agency setting is for claims to be auto-generated for the prior month, Planability will generate and submit by batch claim, claims for all participants who are:

  • active in Planabilty;
  • have budget available; and
  • have 'Auto Invoicing' selected on their profile.

Participants with issues

This section identifies any participants who have either insufficient budget or no Service Booking with item 14_034_0127_8_3 which will prevent the monthly claim from processing.

Participants with auto monthly invoicing off 

This section displays any participants who do not have the opt-in setting for 'Auto Invoicing' selected. This helps to identify any Participants who may not be currently included in the auto-generation of Monthly Claims.

(Note: You can review all opt-in settings for Participants and associated contacts using the Participant Records report).

Participants with generated invoices

All Participants who have had a claim submitted for their monthly plan management fees in the current month will display in Participants with Generated Invoices. Their status will initially show as Batch Submitted, then Claimed and then NDIS Paid when the claim has been processed and paid.

Create a Batch Payment

For both Auto invoices and Generated Invoices you will need to create a Batch Payment to clear them from your Payments or to transfer them to another bank account.

When the claims are marked as NDIS Paid create a Batch Payment to mark them as Paid to the Provider (your Agency). Download the ABA file to mark the claims as Paid. If you need to transfer these payments to another account upload the ABA file to your bank to make the payment transfer. If the funds do not need to be moved you need not take any further action.

All monthly Invoices have the format:


eg: 43xxxxxxx-YYMM-DDHHMM