Notes and Documents

Create and Edit notes; Upload Documents / files; Pin important notes; Create Alerts on both Participant and Providers


Notes can be created on the following pages:

  • Participant Details
  • Service Booking Details
  • Service Agreement Details
  • Claim Details
  • Provider Details

Notes will be saved to the page they are created on and to the Participant record, but can also be Pinned to the Participant Details Page for easy access. 

A Pinned Note can also be an Alert.

You can drag notes to reorder them on the page, making it easy to move notes of importance to the top. The top pinned note will show in the Active Participant listing page.

Use categories to help how you view and search in notes. 

Notes can be edited and deleted by Plan Managers, giving control over what is readily visible when creating claims or dealing with your clients. All notes, pinned or not, can be viewed, searched and filtered under Notes & Documents.

Pinned Notes & Documents will display when creating a claim.

and can be accessed from the Edit Claim screen when entering or editing Line items.

When a participant profile is created from an online registration form, any additional notes entered in the form are saved under the Participant Notes & Documents under the Category Agency > Intake Document/Notes

Attach multiple files to a note

The Notes and Documents feature allows up to 5 attachments to a note. The file size limit is 10MB for each document.


Alerts can be created for Participants and Providers. Any pinned note can be selected to be an Alert which will pop up when you select the Participant or the Provider.

Participant Details page:

Create a claim - Participant Alert:

Create a claim - Provider Alert:

To create an Alert navigate to the Participant Details or the Provider Details page.

Add a note and select it as an Alert

or, edit an existing note and select it to be an Alert.

You can later remove the alert but the note remains saved to the record.


Notes & Documents cannot be seen by Participants, Support Coordinators or Carers, however they can view the invoice file on a Claim Details page.