Offboard a Participant - Steps in Planability

If you are ending services for a Participant there are some steps you can take in Planability to manage the process.

You won't need to notify us of any offboarding participants, however there are a few steps you'll need to take within Planability for them with the last step being to archive them.

Reports and statements should be generated/exported before ending any Service Bookings and archiving the Participant.

Review All Claims

  • Do not send invoices for approval a day or two before ending your services.
  • Ensure all claims have been finalised.
  • Check in ‘Claims for Review’.
  • Ensure there are no pending Claims.

Download and Save Reports

Before ending any service bookings and archiving a participant, we suggest reviewing claims and downloading reports.

Most listing pages within Planability are able to be exported to CSV via the Export CSV icon:


While optional, we recommend exporting the following data for any offboarding participants.

Dashboard Menu Reports

  • Plan Summary Report
  • Service Bookings > Search Participant > Download CSV
  • Service Agreements > Search Participant > Download CSV
  • Claims > All Claims > Search Participant > Download CSV
  • Plans > All Plans > Search Participant > Download CSV
  • Notes & Documents > Search Participant > Download CSV
  • Reports > Participant Records > Download CSV
  • Reports > Statements > Search Participant > Download CSV
  • Reports > Claim Line Report > Search Participant > Download CSV

Participant Profile Menu Reports (per plan)

  • Plan Summary > Export as PDF
  • NDIS Budget vs Actual > Export as PDF
  • Budget Forecast > Export as PDF or Download as CSV


If you would like to send an outgoing statement to the Participants, you can generate one using the steps on this article: Statements. You'll need to do this before ending any Service Bookings (non-PACE) because when you end a Service Booking you will likely be reducing the balance to $0.00 remaining budget. A Statement generated at this point will show 100% spend in the category. 

Non-PACE - End Service Bookings

If the Participants are on non-PACE plans, you will need to end any Service Bookings (we would recommend doing this much closer to or on the offboarding date). Instructions on this are available here: End Service Booking.

Archive the Participant

Once you have ended your services with the Participant, you should archive them. Steps on this are available here: Archive Participant.