Onboard a Participant

There are important steps to take both inside and outside of Planability when onboarding a new Participant.

Participant Registration

When a participant (or their plan nominee) has decided on a Plan Manager they wish to work with, they will contact an organisation in person or via:

  • phone
  • email
  • website
  • or Participant Registration Form - if you require this feature to be enabled, please contact support@credsys.com.au

You can read more about this feature in our article - Participant Registration Form

Service Agreement

After you agree to work with the participant (or their plan nominee), it is recommended that a Service Agreement is created.  A service agreement is an agreement between you and the participant (or plan nominee) that makes it clear what you have both agreed to, for example: 

  • what supports are being provided
  • the cost of the supports
  • the responsibilities the participant (or plan nominee)
  • your responsibilities
  • how long the agreement goes for and how it can be changed
  • the dispute resolution process.

More information about Service Agreement is available from these websites. 


Plan managed participants will need to endorse a Plan Manager as both a Provider and as a Plan Manager and provide consent to view budgets. This can be completed:

Adding a Participant to Planability

Once a Participant has decided to engage your Agency’s plan management services, they can be added to Planability. If they have completed the Participant Registration Form, you can accept their data. If you need to manually add a Participant, you can do so by following these steps - Add a Participant.

For PACE plans, the Participant must have active endorsements with you as both a Plan Manager and Provider (See Consent above). If these relationships are not active when adding them to Planability, you will see a blue error message stating the information cannot be found in the NDIS systems.

When adding a Participant to Planability, the Participant surname, NDIS number and date of birth must match what is in the NDIS portals.

Non-PACE Plans - Create Service Bookings

If your new Participant is on a non-PACE plan, you will need to add in a Service Booking of each type (Standard and Plan Managed) before their budget data will appear within Planability. If the Participant has not granted budget consent (see ‘Consent’ section above), you will see a warning message at the top of the NDIS Budget page.

The Standard Booking will reflect your Plan Management Fees and Set Up Fee (if applicable). For more information on this, please see - Plan Management and Setup Costs and Monthly Fees.

Your Plan Managed Service Booking(s) will reflect the Participants available budgets. If you do not have a copy of the Participant’s plan, you can follow this guide to find the available budgets. 

For a full walkthrough on creating Service Bookings, see - Create Service Bookings.

Once the Service Bookings have been created for your Participant, you will be able to begin processing claims.

Related article: Offboard a Participant