PACE Plans in Planability

Planability has been integrated with PACE API's and operating across both systems since April. There are no changes to the Claims process. Claims can still be submitted individually or via Batch Claim with no delays in processing time.

Testing has been underway in Tasmania since November 2022. The NDIA has advised that the national rollout will commence on 30th October 2023. From that date:

  • New Plans will be developed in PACE
  • Existing Plans coming to an end between November 2023 and February 2024 that are meeting a Participant's needs and require no changes will continue in the current system.
  • Existing Plans coming to an end between November 2023 and February 2024 that require changes, will be developed in PACE.

From February 2024, all expiring Plans will start to progressively transition to PACE


Some of the key changes you can expect to see are: 

  • PACE Plans will show the Plan ID as 'PACE'.
  • Service Bookings are no longer required for PACE Plans and will show as 'Not Applicable'.
  • There are changes to Support Categories and some Item Codes have moved into new Categories and some have been renamed.
  • If a Plan Reassessment triggers a change to funding, the Plan start and end dates are adjusted. You will receive an automated email notification from Planability.
  • Plan Management Fees will be visible to you as Plan-Managed Choice and Control funding when a new PACE Plan is created, or when an existing PACE Plan is reassessed. 
PACE participants are identified in Planability as PACE Managed and their Plan ID will be PACE.

There is no change to the Claim creation flow in Planability except that when adding a Claim Line the Service Booking field will show 'Not Applicable' since PACE plans do not use Service Bookings.

Core funding is flexible, when you create a claim for a Core category funding will be drawn from available funding in Core regardless if there is allocated funding for that category.

For Capital Support and Capacity Building Supports you will only be able to choose from categories where budget is allocated.

For PACE Participants the Budget vs Actual Report displays Approved Budget, along with any Service Agreement allocated amounts.

The Budget and Goals are accessed from the left menu.


See Budget vs Actual in more Detail