Your Agency PRODA B2B needs to be re-activated every 6 months. If the expiry date has now passed, you can generate a new code and enter it into Planability.
Generate a New Code
Please follow the steps below:
- log in to your PRODA account
- select Organisations
- select the name of the organisation
- scroll down and select Service Provider from the menu
- (If the NDIS API is not listed, click on the blue Button to Add Service Provider)
- Select NDIS API
- Click on Add Service Provider
- select B2B Devices
- select the device name <YOUR BUSINESS NAME>_Planability_Device
select Generate New Device Activation Code
- select Yes
- Copy the Device Activation Code
Update your PRODA Activation Code in your Planabilty account.
- Log in to Planability
- Navigate to Agency Settings > PRODA Device
- Select Manage Activation
- Paste in or Enter the new Device Activation Code
- Select Activate
Further Reading: PRODA B2B DEVICE - Extend a Device Expiry