Rounding on Claim lines

What happens when NDIS will round down? or round up on a claim line when submitted.

What happens when NDIS will round down?

If we detect that the claim is going to round down by a few cents, and is different to your expected claim amount, we'll make an additional claim line to make up the difference when we get the response from NDIS at the time of the claim. This claim will appear in the PRODA Portal as having the same invoice number, but with #GAP added at the end.

When this happens, you should see the following when adding the line item:

You should generate the claim, then when we've detected the amount that is missing, we'll generate a new claim and show you this in the screen afterwards, such as below:

Note, you can click the icon on the right to expand the detail and view the claim information that will have been automatically generated. 

The threshold for generating an adjustment automatically is $1. This can be adjusted per Agency account.

What about when NDIS will round up?

If we detect that the entry you have made is likely to round up, then we're putting the brakes on for you, since we know it's harder to fix up an overpayment than it is to fix an underpayment.
At this point, you'll see something like the below screen, and you will not be able to submit the claim until you have reduced the amount to a lower value. 

We cannot fix these rounding-up issues automatically, so once you have made a claim for a lower amount, you can clone the line and make a new claim for Qty:1 and a value of the missing cents. See "Duplicating a line item" above.