Your Planability Sandbox Environment

Instructions on how to make the most of your access to the Planability Sandbox environment


You have been given access to a Sandbox environment of the Planability system enabling you and your team to become familiar with the platform prior to going live. We have allocated test participant(s) to your account, with a Plan and allocated funding. This allows you to create Service Bookings and to submit Claims in the test environment of the NDIS. Your participants are not real people, they have been created for your use in this Sandbox environment.

You will have access to add Plan Managers, giving access to your team; add your designated test participant(s), find their plans and create Service Bookings; add Providers and create and submit claims.

You will receive Training which will take you through the features of the Planability platform. You do not need to action any of the steps in this document prior to your training, but if you wish to explore and start your familiarisation with Planability, then please use the steps outlined here.

Accessing your Sandbox Account

As the Key Contact / Director for your Planability account, you will have received an email with your login details. Please follow the instructions in the email to access your account. Your Director profile will allow you to add and provide access to others in your organisation as either Directors or Plan Managers. 

Setup Steps

Add test Participant(s)

Please refer to the email regarding your Training (subject: Training with Credability Systems) for your test Participant details.

You have been allocated a test participant and will need to enter their name, NDIS number and Date of Birth which are provided in the email.

  • Select Add Participant from the menu (Participants > Add Participant).
  • Enter their Last Name, NDIS No. and Date of Birth and click Find.

The system will search for the test Participant and find their Plan with the NDIS.

    To view any emails sent to this address go to  enter the email address


      • Select a Suburb. This will determine their service region (remote or non-remote) which reflects in any price catalogue entries.
      • Select the Opt-in settings. For more information view: Add a Participant

      Review and Update Participant Details

      The Participant Details screen displays the contact details entered. You can add notes and upload documents to this view. 

      Create Service Bookings

      Once you have added your test Participant, your next step will be to add Service Bookings.

      Note that in your live account, your existing Participants will be imported. Their Plans and existing Service Bookings will be found.

      Whenever any new Participants are added, you can create their Service Bookings from within Planability.

      Budget for your Test Participant

      Your test Participant has an allocated budget. You can create Service Bookings for them based on the figures below, but these amounts can vary.

      Support Purpose

      Support Category

      Approved Budget


      1. Assistance with Daily Life (Includes SIL) 



      2. Transport 



      3. Consumables



      4. Assistance with Social, Economic and Community




      5. Assistive Technology



      6. Home Modifications and Specialised Disability

      Accommodation (SDA)


      Capacity Building

      7. Support Coordination



      8. Improved Living Arrangements



      9. Increased Social and Community Participation



      10. Finding and Keeping a Job



      11. Improved Relationships



      12. Improved Health and Wellbeing



      13. Improved Learning



      14. Improved Life Choices



      15. Improved Daily Living Skills




      Add Providers

      Your Agency will already be added as a Provider in your Sandbox account, but we suggest you add a couple of additional Providers so that you can create claims using their details.

      You will have been sent a number of dummy invoices to be used in the training session. The Providers may have already been created. You can view and edit the Provider details from those invoices.

      Create a Claim

      Training will include creating claims, but if you wish to create one prior, you are welcome to use the dummy invoices sent to you. They do not contain any real participant details. 

      You may also wish to enter some of the invoices that you already receive and process. 

      For instructions on how to enter a claim in Planability please refer to Create a Claim

      Your Sandbox account will have OCR (Scanning) enabled, so you will be able to create a claim by Bulk Upload and individual scanning.

      How do you access Support?

      If you require any support or assistance with using Planability, please contact us on or on 1300 034 998. We will be happy to assist you.