Select a Participant to view their Plan

To view Claims or data for a particular Plan and before you can create a Service Booking or Service Agreement for a Participant, you must first select the Participant and their Plan.

There are a number of ways to select a participant's plan:

Use the Find Participant Search Field

To search for a Participant, simply type their name (or preferred name) in the Search field located at the top of the screen. The Search field will display any matches found. Once you have found the Participant, click on their name to select their plan.

This will take you to the Summary page of the current plan from where you can access all plan related data.

You can easily switch to view a previous plan by clicking 'Switch Plan' in the left menu.

Select the Participant from the Listing of Active Participants.

There are two methods of selecting from this view.

  • Expand the box to the left of the Participant name, or
  • Click the radial buttons to the right and Select.