Send Plan Reports by Post

Use the Opt-in setting in Participant Details to identify participants who require their monthly Plan Report (Statement) to be sent by post. Generate a zip file of all reports to be posted.

Monthly Plan Reports are generated on the 1st of each month for ALL active Participants in Planability.

They provide detail of all plan activity over the previous month.

Participant, Support Coordinators and Carers who have 'Receive Plan Report' selected on their profile Opt-In settings (Participant) or permissions (Support Coordinators and Carers) will be sent the email with an overview of the Plan Report and a link to view the full PDF.

Participant Opt-In Settings:

Carer & Support Coordinator permissions


A Participant can also be flagged to receive a hard copy of their report by post. Plan Managers will need to download and print the generated PDF.

These Participants can be identified by the checkbox in their Opt-In Settings 'Send Plan Reports by Post'.

Download Statements to Print

Next, navigate to Reports > Statements

Click on the Postal tab. This lists all the generated statements for Participants with 'Send Plan Reports by Post' ON in their profile. Filter by Participant, Status, Month and Download selected files.

The download will generate a zip file with individual pdf files for each report. They have a cover sheet with fold lines and address details to fit a dl window envelope.


Related Article: Participant Details Page