Statements (Monthly Plan Report)

Statements are generated for all Active Participants on the 1st of each month. Statements by Date Range can be generated by Agency users as well as Support Coordinators and Carers.

Table of Contents:

View all Statements for All Participants

Statements - Postal

Statements - Multiple Plans

Generate Statements by Date Range


View Statements for All Participants

  • Navigate to Reports > Statements to view all generated statements

  • If required, use the search options to refine your view.
  • To view a statement, click on the Statement ID or select 'View' from the options to the right.

Statements - Postal

Statements for any Participants who have the opt-in settings 'Send Plan Report by Post' selected in their profile, can be found in Reports > Statements under the Postal tab.

Use the searchfields, or select ALLusing the checkbox and then Download.

A Zip File will download containing all the selected reports as individual pdf's.

These versions include a cover page with fold lines and the participant address so that you can easily fold for a DL window envelope.

Monthly Plan Reports (Statements) - multiple Plans

When a Plan ends and a new Plan starts during a single calendar month two reports will be generated and emailed via separate email: one for the ended plan; and one for the new Plan.

The transactions cannot be combined into one report as they relate to different Plans.

Generate Statements by Date Range

To generate a Statement for a specific date range:

  1. navigate to Participants in the main menu
  2. Click on the ellipses buttons to the right of the participant line
  3. Select Statement by Date Range

You can select an older plan if required:

Select the date range:

The Statement will generate and download as a .pdf to your device.


Next Article: Reports > Claim Line Report