1. Customer Help Centre
  2. Frequently Asked Questions

What Devices can I use to access Planability?

Planability is a web-based service. You can access it from any device - PC, laptop, tablet or phone. The screen and view will scale to your device.

We suggest you bookmark or save the login page on your device:


If a page is not loading for you properly or you cannot view a claim to approve it, please try refreshing your browser. You might also want to check if you need to update the software on your phone or iPad. 
Occasionally a 'hard refresh' may be required to clear your browser's cache for a specific page. This will force it to load the most recent version of a page. A hard refresh ignores the cache and requests a new set of pages from the server, which ensures any updates are reflected. 
To hard refresh on Google Chrome on Windows 
  1. Hold down Ctrl (Control) + Shift and click R.

Hard refresh Mac:

  1. Hold ⇧ Shift and click the Reload button.
  2. Or, hold down ⌘ Cmd and ⇧ Shift key and then press R.