Add and Associate Support Coordinators

Support Coordinators have access to the Planability software via their own user account. Any participant details associated with their profile will be visible to them from their login, regardless of which agency manages their plan

Table of Contents:
Associate Support Coordinator with Participant
Add AND associate Support Coordinator with Participant 
Create User - Support Coordinator

You can add a Support Coordinator on the 

  • Participant Details page / Associate Support Coordinator. This creates the profile and the association in one step and is the recommended method.
  • Users > Create User. You will then need to associate the Support Coordinator from the Participant Details page

Add and Associate Support Coordinator with Participant

Support Coordinators are linked to Participants through the Participant Details Page. This association allows the Coordinator to access and view the Participant's details and plans when they log in. The permissions for each specific participant association can be managed from this section, including the ability to approve claims and receive plan reports.

  • Navigate to the Participant Details page.
  • Scroll down to Associated Support Coordinators
  • Click Add Support Coordinator
  • Enter the Support Coordinator's email address and click the search icon.

  • If there is already an account associated with this email address, the details will display.

  • Select the permissions that apply to this participant - Claim Approver and/or Receive Plan Report.

Please note that you will not be able to make changes to the Support Coordinator's Email, Name, or Mobile number. However, the Support Coordinator can update their own contact details by selecting 'Update Profile' from their name when they are logged in.

Create AND associate Support Coordinator with Participant

If no account is found for that email address, you can create a new profile for this contact.

  • Enter First Name, Last Name and mobile number (if available)
  • Choose their permissions for this participant: Claim Approver / Receive Plan Report
  • Click Save

Please take care entering their name as this will generate the for their login.

In this instance, a Welcome Email will be sent automatically to the new user, followed by a 2nd email notifying them of the participant association.

an alternative is to: 

Create User - Support Coordinator

  • From the main menu, select Users > Create User.
  • Select Support Coordinator as the User role
  • Enter First Name, Last Name and Email address (mandatory fields). 
  • Choose either Email or SMS for Two Factor Authentication (mandatory)
  • Select Support Types provided (if known). Support Types can be updated by the Support Coordinator from their own profile when logged in.
  • Email Notifications must be selected for the user to recieve any emails from Planability - including the Welcome email.

  • Click 'Save'. A Welcome Email will be sent to the Support Coordinator.

NOTE: If you are unable to save the information because the email address already exists, it indicates that there is already an active account associated with that email address and user. Instead of creating a new profile, you can directly associate the Coordinator with your Participant. 

Next Article: Update Support Coordinator or Carer Permissions