Edit Service Provider

Update Provider contact and payment details

Edit Service Provider

View your listing of all Service Providers by clicking on the Provider tab in the main dashboard, or select Active Providers from the menu. 

Select to Edit from the ellipses buttons to the right of the provider listing,

or if viewing the Provider Details page (click on the Provider name to access), select Edit at the top right.

Any changes made to the Provider Payment details will require OTP Verification via SMS. Director Users in the agency will also receive an email notification

Timeline on Edits for Provider changes:

We have introduced additional logging of changes made to Service Provider Records.

Agencies can now track the history of changes made to a provider's profile. Directors and Plan Managers can easily see when modifications, such as updates to bank details, email addresses, contact information, or ABN numbers, were made and by whom (user names are visible to Plan Managers with elevated User permission).

This timeline feature provides a clear overview of all changes made.