Low Budget Warnings

Agencies can opt-in for Low Budget Usage Warning emails.

This feature can be activated with agency-specific thresholds which determine the Plan usage level at which emails will be generated.

Agencies can opt-in for 1, 2 or 3 Low Budget Usage Warnings and/or 1 Service Agreement Usage Warning.

Plan Usage Warning emails

emails are sent to participants and associated contacts who have the opt-in setting selected to 'Receive Plan Report'. View Templates

The Plan Usage Warning emails are generated and sent when the selected Usage Level in a Support Purpose is exceeded.

Note that spending may be higher in an individual support category, but the warning will only generate when it exceeds the threshold selected across the Support Purpose.

Service Agreement Usage Warning email

is sent to Directors and Plan Managers. View Template

The Directors and Plan Managers of the Agency will receive an email when claims for a Service Agreement exceed the threshold amount. 

The Threshold levels are customisable per agency.
To opt-in, please email support@credsys.com.au indicating

  • the % usage levels to be applied for Level 1, (and/or) Level 2, (and/or) Level 3 and Plan Usage warnings.
  • the % usage level to be applied for a Service Agreement warning