Create User - Plan Manager

Give Planability access to a Plan Manager. Create a User Profile, selecting Security and Permission settings. A welcome email is sent automatically on completion.

Table of Contents:
Add a new Plan Manager
Security - 2FA 
Elevated Permissions
Save and send Welcome Email

Add a new Plan Manager

You can add a new Plan Manager from either Users > Create User; or direct from Plan Managers, selecting Create Plan Manager from the top right of the screen.

  • From the main menu, select Users > Create User.
  • Select Plan Manager as the User role
  • Enter First Name, Last Name and Email address (mandatory fields). 

  • Complete any additional Contact Details.
  • a Mobile number is recommended as this can be used for Two-Factor Authentication to login. This is more secure than sending 2FA to an email address.

Security - 2FA

Two-Factor Authentication is required for ALL Plan Managers

  • Select either Email or SMS. If a mobile number is available, this is recommended as the most secure option.

Elevated Permissions

Plan Manager users have a restricted level of access, but elevated permissions can be enabled as required. 

Select any appropriate elevated permissions for the Plan Manager 

Elevated Permissions

When selected, Plan Managers will be able to:


Edit Agency Profiles
View Usage Reports
Manage Agency Contacts
Manage Agency Credit Cards
Claims > Monthly Claims

Providers Manage Provide Profiles

Manage other Plan Manager Profiles (including elevated permissions)
View 'Created by' information on claims and notes.
Create new Plan Manager user

Participants  View ALL participants regardless of association
Archive Participants

View ALL claims (regardless of participant association)
Cancel Claims and Cancel Claim Lines.
Submit Batch Claims

Payments  Manage Payment Batches
Generate ABA or BPay files
Sensitive Data Download

Download Participant data from Reports > Participant Records

Access NDIS Remittance Report from Reports > Remittance Report

  • Under Opt-in Settings, automated emails will be selected by default. This allows emails such as new Plans, new Participants, Warnings etc to be sent to the Plan Manager for Associated Participants (see below).

Save Profile and send Welcome Email

  • Click Save
  • A Welcome Email will be automatically sent to the Plan Manager when the User profile is Saved.

Next Article: Assign Associated Participants