Send Remittance Advice

After generating a Payment Batch and uploading the payment files to your bank you can generate remittance advice emails to each beneficiary

Table of Contents
Send Remittance Advice
Payment Reference (NEW)
Resend Remittance Advice

Send Remittance Advice

Once you have downloaded the ABA file and/or BPB file and made the payments from your bank, select 'Remittance Advice' to generate emails to the beneficiaries. Multiple payments to one Provider in the same aba file will be aggregated into one Remittance Advice, with each invoice listed in the body of the email.

If you would like to receive a copy of an individual payment remittance advice, add your email to the email field separated by a comma, eg:,

or you can receive a copy of all remittance emails by entering your email into the cc field:

Each recipient will receive their remittance advice by email.

The subject heading is 'Your latest Remittance'. The body of the email has a table showing the Invoice Numbers paid, Invoice Date, Payment Date, Participant Name and Amount Paid.


Remittance Reference Number (RRN)

A Remittance Reference Number (RRN) will be used as the Payment Reference in the bank transfer when multiple invoices are paid to one Provider in a single ABA file and the agency setting is to merge payments to the same provider.

This unique RRN aids Providers in identifying the payment since individual invoice numbers are not included in the bank transfer reference when payments are merged. 

Payment Reference: Invoice Numbers

The Invoice Number will be used as the Payment Reference in the bank transfer when:

  • the Provider has only ONE invoice paid per transaction; 
  • or where the agency payment setting does not combine payments to the same account.

BPay Reference Number

The reference in the bank transfer will be the BPAY Reference Number which is compulsory field on claims for Providers with BPAY selected as the payment method.

Resend Remittance Advice

You can resend a remittance advice to one or more beneficiaries by selecting the Batch No, from Batch Payments. 

Select Remittance Advice and the Recipient. Click Send

The Batch number can also be found on the Claim Details page. Click on the invoice number to view. 


From All Claims listing, select View Payment Batch from the ellipses buttons to the right of the invoice line: