Service Agreements

This video and transcript will review the functions and features of Service Agreements within Planability. You can enter service agreements to quarantine the agreed amount for a provider in the participants budget.

Transcript (abridged)

0:15 - View Service Agreements

From your dashboard you can view all SA for all your pax, you can search by provider or by pax and filter your search further if required. If you click on the box to the left, that will take you to the SA details page.

0:40 Service Agreement Details Page

This shows the Participant, the Provider, and the agreement start and end date. It shows the total amount of the agreement for all included services and the remaining balance, and then it lists the services below. Services can also have their own start and end date as long as they fall within the agreement dates.

You can see this here, the service is for 6 months whilst the agreement is for 12.

It is possible then to add a new service later within the overall service agreement. Down below that, we can see the assigned claims. When you are entering a claim into Planabilty you can assign it at that time to the SA, but you can also manage claim associations retrospectively from here.

1:25 Assign Claims to a Service Agreement

When you click Assign Claims, Planability will search all existing claims for this participant from this provider, and bring up any claims that have support items matching the services in the agreement. You can then assign and unassign a claim.

If there are other support items in a claim that are not part of the service agreement, they will not affect the Service Agreement balance, only the support category balance. This means that you can accurately keep track of spending against the service agreement using the funds that have been quarantined and this will be shown in the participants Budget Statement.

2:55 Create a Service Agreement

So let's create an agreement for our test participant Rodolfo. First of all we select Rodolfo and his current plan. 

Select the provider and check the start and end dates - they default to the plan dates, but if the agreement is for a shorter period of time, edit the dates. Then add the support categorie(s) and their amounts as per the agreement.

NOTE:  It is important to note here that if you are onboarding a new client, or newly managing this client in Planability you may need to adjust the starting balance for the service agreement based on any claims already submitted. If you create the service agreement for the full amount when part of it has already been claimed, the balance for the agreement will be incorrect and that will show incorrectly in the statement you will have quarantined too much of that budget.

4:10 Upload the document and make a Note entry

I'm now going to save the copy of the agreement that we have received to the details page. I can attach the document,and select the category - service agreements. make a note and I'll pin this so that it appears on the participant details page and when anyone enters a claim for Rodolfo. So that is the Service Agreement entered.

Let's look at the budget statement again. We can see the entry under the two support categories. As we enter claims both the sa budget and the budget for the category will udpate. Now, let's enter a claim for this provider.

4:52 Enter a Claim for the Provider using the Service Agreement

You can start a claim from anywhere, but as I am already drilled down into Rodolfo's plan, when I create the claim, both Rodolfo and the current plan are selected.

Tip: If you are entering a claim for an older plan, you can select it from here:

You can also see the note we added - the SA for Infinity Care. If you need to view the document, just click on the link.

To start entering the claim select the invoice and enter by manual input or choose to Scan. When the Provider name is entered, Planability will recognise that there is a SA in place for this provider. If this claim is part of that agreement - select to Use it here.

if you forget to click the checkbox to use the service agreement, don't worry, you can edit the selection from the Edit Claim page or Claim Details page by clicking on the icon

We can view the entire budget available for the Category, the remaining budget available and where unavailable amounts are being held (pending claims or Service Agreements).

To add another claim line, If it was the same category, clone the line for speed.

Note: If you try to enter a claim line but there is insufficient budget available due you will get a warning to say the amount entered has exceeded the available budget due to service agreements or pending claims. You can edit the claim line allocation to the Service Ageement - go back and edit that selection from the claim details. You can view the unavailable budget amount. Hover over the icon in the field to view the amounts unavailable due to pending claims, or Service Agreements. 

7:03 Edit and Delete a Service Agreement

You can edit and delete service agreements. It is not possible to change the dates for the service agreement as a whole, but the dates for the support items can be edited (as long as they are within the agreement dates), and you can edit the amount quarantined for the existing categories.

As mentioned earlier you might need to do this if you have entered an agreement but not taken into account any spend prior to the client being onboarded by you, or prior to managing the client in Planability. In which case you would edit the amount and enter a new starting balance.

If you need to delete a service agreement, you will need to first remove any association with existing invoices. Unassign the claims from the Service Agreement Details page. Then from the list of agreements, delete. If needed, you can re-enter the agreement - and re-assign the claims against it.

8:15 Contact Us

So that's how we manage Service Agreements in Planability. If you have any questions or need support please get in touch via our email or call 1300 034 998.