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  2. What's New in Planability

v2.4.1.0 - Release date: 05 May 2023

Support Coordinator and Carer profiles

We have transferred control of the Support Coordinator and Carer profile details into the hands of Coordinators and Carers themselves. They will be able to update their own contact details, including First Name, Last Name and email address, and add a Company Name (optional)

Support Coordinators will also be able to select their Support Types which will be searchable and visible from the Agency Coordinator Listing.

Support Coordinators and Carers may be associated with Participants who are managed in Planablity by different Agencies. To help with clarity on this, we have introduced a new column in the Participant listing and All Claims listing to show the managing Agency. Participants and Claims can be filtered by Agency.

Note: We are working on further udpates relating to Support Coordinator and Carer access in Planability. This update is the first stage to make way for more. 

Invoice Number characters to match bulk upload rules

NDIS bulk claims can have invoice numbers with the following characters:

  • Alphanumeric
  • Hyphen ( - )
  • Forward Slash ( / ) 
  • Underscore ( _ )
  • Space (  )
    Note: Spaces will be replaced by a hyphen when sent to NDIS but will remain as a space in Planability.

Participant Contact: email field not mandatory

Contacts saved to a Participant Details page do not require an email address unless the Contact is a claim approver.

Archived Participants - Notes and Documents

Notes and Documents are accessible for archived participants. The top pinned note is visible on the Archived Participant listing, Pinned notes can be viewed on the Participant Details page and you can search for the archived participant in all notes and documents.

Future payment date on NDIS Paid Claims

We have seen some instances where NDIS has marked a claim as paid, but they haven’t yet transferred the payment to the Agency. To prevent the claim from automatically being payable in the Payment Batch create step a new checkbox will prompt the user to choose whether to add the claim to the Batch payment or to wait until the payment has been received. This will only appear if there are claims with a payment date which is in the future.

Plan End notifications removed for 1 day plans

The automated Plan ended email that is sent to Participants / Carers will not be triggered when Plans are for 1 day only.

Edit / Change Providers in Claim Creation

You can now switch providers when editing a claim, so if you have picked the wrong provider during the claim creation, you can change it by editing the Claim Details.

If you have scanned the invoice, you can change the Provider after the scan results have been received. Be aware though, that the scan will have used the best scan process for the initial Provider selected, so the results may not be optimum.

Increased Password Complexity

If a password is updated when logged in, the new password will need to meet increased complexity requirements.

Associated Participants Report CSV available from Plan Manager detail page

Directors and Plan Managers with elevated User Permissions can now download a .csv listing  Participants who are associated with a Plan Managers login from the Plan Manager User Details page. 


Previous release: v2.4.0.0 - Release date: 14 April 2023