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  2. What's New in Planability

v2.5.5.0 - Release date: 10 May 2024

The updates detailed below were published at 9 PM on 10th May 2024.

Table of Contents:

New Features

Estimated Read Time: 5 minutes

New Features 

Bulk Import - auto process invoices to Claims for Review

A new feature has been added to Provider profiles that enables claims to automatically process from the Bulk Import dashboard to Claims for Review. This eliminates the need to manually select claims for processing, as they will now seamlessly move to the Claims for review section.

This enhancement reduces processing time for agencies using bulk upload and mailbox ingestion methods.

Exclude/Include Service Booking from Budget vs Actual Report and Statements

Directors and Plan Manager users can now select individual Service Bookings to be excluded from showing in the Budget vs Actual report and the monthly statements. 

The Option to Exclude (and Budget Include) is available when viewing Service Bookings from the Participant/Plan view as well as whole agency view - All Service Bookings.

In this example, Assistive Technology is showing on the Budget vs Actual report.

From Service Bookings > List Bookings, select Budget Exclude from the menu options on Service Booking line.

When Excluded, the budget does not appear in the Budget vs Actual Report. The Service Booking is still active and can be found when creating claims.

Claim Approval setting - move to Claims with Issues if no action is taken

The default setting for approval requests is that a claim will auto-approve and submit if no action is taken by the end of the approval period. (note: the claim can be held and prevented from submitting by selecting "Hold for Review" prior to requesting approval).

Alternatively, Agencies can opt to have claims moved to Claims with Issues instead of submitting if no action is taken. 

(Contact support@credsys.com.au to request an update to your agency setting)

  • The claim will move to Claims with Issues 
  • An automated email is sent to the Plan Manager / Director to notify them

e.g. Claim Approval is set to 3 days and no action is taken by the approver:
Approval request sent = Day 1. The claim will move to Claims with Issues at 6 am on Day 3
 - An approval request email is sent when submitted on Monday (Day 1).
 - The Approver will receive an approval reminder email at 7 am on Tuesday (Day 2)
 - The Claim will move to Claims with Issues at 6 am Wednesday (Day 3).

There is an additional option to mark the claim as Rejected if no action is taken.

See Claim Approval Settings for more information.

Mailbox ingestion - Follow up

An email Follow-up feature has been added to the mailbox ingestion functionality.

For Agencies who have opted for the mailbox ingestion service, users can create a follow-up email from the Bulk Import dashboard. The email is sent to the designated email address making it easy to follow up or respond to an email that has been received into Planability. 

(Mailbox Ingestion is an opt-in feature, incurring additional charges. Please contact sales@credsys.com.au if you would like further information)


PACE - Core Funding - Flexible Core subtotal

In PACE Plans, the Home and Living category (Cat 16) falls under CORE but is not flexible funding.

To help identify the total flexible funding in Core we have added a subtotal line.

The Flexible Subtotal line will display in the Budget vs Actual report, PDF's generated from Budget vs Actual and Statements, and the Budget Forecast only when Home and Living is included in the Plan.

Time passed line graph on the budget summary

The % of time passed is now displayed on the exported PDF version of the Budget Summary when exported from the Budget Summary Page.


Claims for Review: Edit Claim Opens into a new tab

A new tab will automatically open for a selected claim from the Claims for Review section. This feature aims to streamline the process, allowing users to review and submit claims more efficiently. Users can access Claims for Review from the pre-existing tab without any delays while waiting for the NDIS response.

Claim Line: Public Holiday, Saturday and Sunday rate warnings

The software will block the creation of claims lines with support items selected for Public Holiday, or weekend services if the date or date range includes dates that are not weekend or public holiday dates.

The warning will display on the Edit Claim page so it is easily identifiable when reviewing scanned claims 

as well as when creating or editing an individual claim line:

PACE Claim Rejection Reason: Reject reason Claim Type, Item code

In PACE, support items are being rejected by the NDIS if they are submitted with a claim type that is not permitted. "This support item is not allowed for this claim type selection".

eg: 04_590_0125_6_1  Activity Based Transport must be submitted as Direct Service.

Planability will highlight (but not restrict) when a support type is selected that is outside of the NDIS Pricing Arrangements for both PACE and non PACE plans.

As a guide, Labour Costs – Time should be claimed as “Provider Travel” and Non Labour Costs – (Activity Based Transport/KM’s travelled) should be claimed as “Direct Service”.

Reimbursement Claim: ABN of Provider

For reimbursement claims, whilst the ABN of the Provider is not mandatory, if entered in the claim information it will be included in the claim data submitted to the NDIS.

Claim Status for Enabled Claims

The status of Claims that have a cancelled or rejected claim line and have been enabled for payment will now show as NDIS Paid Override and will not be editable after enabling for payment. 

They can be viewed under Claims > Overriden Claims 

All Claims > Status drop down options updated

In the All Claims listing you can search / filter by the Claim Status.

The options for searching in the Status field have been updated. Outdated options have been removed and the remaining ones are now listed alphabetically for easier navigation.

Claim Warning message alerting user to a Rejected claim (by Approver) if re-entered

We have introduced a new alert in the Bulk Scanning dashboard to highlight any claims previously entered and rejected by the claim approver.

While this will not prevent you from creating the claim again, it offers additional clarity during the claim-creation process.


NDIS Remittance - Confirmation receipt date

The date that the NDIS Remittance is received by Planability is recorded as the Confirmation  Date. You can sort by the column header, but the most recent are displayed by default at the top of the listing.

Please note that this may not be the date that you received payment. The NDIS Remittance reports are usually made available one or two days after payment.


When a New Plan Manager is added, existing active participants will be associated

When creating a new Plan Manager user, all active Participants will be associated with the Plan Manager by default. This delivers the same functionality existing for the automatic association of all Plan Managers when creating a new Participant Profile.

After creating the Plan Manager profile, manage the Associated Participants from the Plan Manager Details Page. Click to Assign Participants to de-select if required.

Note: Plan Managers with elevated 'Participant' Permission can view all Participants regardless of association, but will only receive plan notification emails for those they are associated with. They can also filter to view only those they are associated with.


Select Maximum number of beneficiaries

For agencies that have their ABA file setup to combine payments to the same account, there is now an option to set a limit on the number of beneficiaries included in each payment batch.

When a limit is established, you can easily select invoices up to the maximum number of beneficiaries, eliminating any guesswork on how many claims can be included in a single payment batch.

If your bank imposes a restriction on the number of payment lines in an ABA file and you wish to implement this in your agency's configuration, please reach out to support@credsys.com.au for assistance.

Select Maximum Payment amount

When creating a payment batch, agencies have the option to set a maximum payment amount. This feature will automatically select claims with a total payment amount that does not exceed the specified value.


Timeline on Edits for Provider changes:

We have introduced additional logging of changes made to Service Provider Records.

Agencies can now track the history of changes made to a provider's profile. Directors and Plan Managers can easily see when modifications, such as updates to bank details, email addresses, contact information, or ABN numbers, were made and by whom (user names are visible to Plan Managers with elevated User permission).

This timeline feature provides a clear overview of all changes made.

Search for Bank Details from the Active Provider listing

The Active Provider Listing has a new search field allowing you to search by bank BSB or Account Number.

This will help to search for duplicate bank details, or perhaps help identify a provider from a returned payment.

Auto Process Invoices

This is a new setting on the Provider profile for the Agency to identify a provider whose claims they wish to auto-create from bulk import. (See Features above)


Participant Price Zone / Location

We have made it easier to identify the Price Zone for a participant (Non-Remote / National Remote / National Very Remote).

The Active Participant listing now has an additional column for Price Zone and the zoning is included in the Plan information.

Warning message - Archived Participants lose associated contacts

When a participant is archived, the connection with Carers and Support Coordinators is removed.

We recommend keeping a record of these linked contacts by adding a note before archiving.

A warning message will pop up when choosing to archive a participant, notifying the user that the associated data will be lost.

Participant Online Registrations - Additional Notes

When a participant profile is created from an online registration form, any additional notes entered in the form are saved under the Participant Notes & Documents under the Category Agency > Intake Document/Notes

Participant Online Registrations - Archived Requests

Archived Registration requests are now accessible to Directors to view and they can be restored to the Registration listing


Previous release: v2.5.4.0 - Release date: 1 March 2024