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  2. What's New in Planability

v2.4.3.0 - Release date: 24 June 2023

Participant Details

Onboarding and Disengage dates

Two new date fields have been added to the Participant Details form

  • Onboard Date
  • Disengage Date

The content of these fields can be exported via Reports > Participant Records.

Custom Profile fields 

We are now offering custom fields to be added to Participant Details. These will be in addition to, not as a replacement to the existing fields and they can also be included in the Online Registration form.

The types of fields available are:

  • checkbox
  • single line text input
  • multi-line text input
  • dropdown selection
  • number
  • date fields

Please contact support@credsys.com for more information.

Send Plan Report by Post

We have also created a new Participant Opt-In setting to identify Participants who need a copy of the Monthly Plan Report (Statement) posted to them.

Again, this field is reportable via Reports > Participant Records

⌛Please note that we are developing a feature to download these reports in bulk. 


Automation of Claim for Set up Costs 

Claims for Set Up costs will now generate and submit automatically from 6pm on the day the Standard Service Booking for the Set Up Cost is created.

For PACE participants, Planability will attempt to claim the price limit for Set Up costs based on the Participant post code.

The claim is created using the following invoice number convention:


eg: SETUP-FEE-1088391-430411288-Yasmin Grey

eg: SETUP-FEE-PACE-503688969-Eliseo Kelley-Pace

If there is no available budget in the Service Booking (ie. the claim has already been submitted manually), the automation will not run.

Cancelled Claim: Delete attached Invoice File from Claim 

A Director User can now delete the primary attached invoice file on a submitted and cancelled claim.

Default Claim Approver 

A default Approver will be auto-selected on claims when 'All Claims Require Approval' is selected on a Participant profile and there is only ONE Approver for the Participant.

New PDF Viewer

We have updated the PDF viewer used to view invoice attachments when creating a claim and adding claim lines.

The PDF will auto size to fit your view. You can now scroll down to view pages, use the hand tool to move the document around in your view, and rotate documents.

The PDF viewer is clearer and you should find it easier to copy and paste from.

Monthly Claims: New Elevated Permission for Plan Managers

Plan Managers can now be granted access to the Monthly Claims page by enabling the Agency Elevated Permission on their User profile.


Available on Request: csv import - claim lines

We can now import a .csv file of claim lines to create claims in bulk.

It is currently only available on request, but we see this being of particular use to agencies who may receive a large volume of claims from one provider, or area of their own business. 

General Updates

Movable modal Pop-ups

You can also now move a pop-up view on your screen. Click on the modal pop-up header and drag to a new position. 

Warning Participants: Alert when a Plan does not have a Plan Managed Service Booking

A new column - SB Alert - highlights Plans that do not have a Plan Managed Service booking. 

Plans without a Plan Managed Service Booking will show 'Yes' in the SB Alert column.

This should help you identify any of your participants whose onboarding / Plan setup has not yet been completed.

Filter the listing for SB Alert Plans from the Filter icon at the top right of the listing.

Batch payment creation - total payment amount displayed 

The Total Payment amount of the selected invoices will display at the top right of the Create Batch Payment screen. This calculates the total amount being paid in the batch at an earlier stage than previously.

Remove Support Coordinator or Carer from Agency Users

We have introduced functionality for Directors and Plan Managers (with elevated User permission) to remove Support Coordinators and Carers from their Agency Users.

  • Navigate to Users > Support Coordinators or Users > Carers
  • Click on the User name to see if there is an existing association with a Participant. 

Tip: If the User is associated with any Participants you will need to remove the association first. 

  • Click on the Participant name to navigate to the Participant Details page.
  • Scroll down to the Associated Contact
  • Click the ellipses buttons to the right of the contacts name to remove the association
  • Click on the ellipses buttons to the right of the user line
  • Select 'Remove'.

Monthly Plan Reports (Statements)

Address field moved to fit DL Envelope

The position of the Participant address on the report has been adjusted so that it can be positioned within the window area of a DL sized envelope.

Budget Summary to show % of funding used and % of time passed

We have made a slight adjustment to the Budget Summary of the Monthly Plan Report (Statement) to include the % of time elapsed so that it can be viewed with the % spend.

This will help readers to identify if they are under or over budget and brings the report in line with the Budget Summary Report accessible in Planability.

Paid invoice summary order

Claim lines will be listed under Category headings in chronological order.


Previous release: v2.4.2.0 - Release date: 26 May 2023